
Misr Digital Innovation team’s in MisrBank reached out Valtech to create Egypt’s first digital-native Bank, which seeks to disrupt the banking landscape in the region and beyond

My role: Visual Designer, responsible for the design system, component library, designs and animations.

About the Project

At first, the project was an idea with many features in mind but nothing concrete.

So, we started by helping MDI with UX researches, doing a benchmark on digital banks all around the globe, analyzing the features and services of each.

Once we identified the main aspects of digital banks we had a workshop to prioritize which functions would be designed in each release of the app, with that mapped out the UX team was able to start working on the wireframes.

In parallel the UI team started helping OneBank to define it’s brand guidelines. Initially another agency was hired to do it, but due to delays our team jumped in to help in the process.

Aiming for a younger public, MDI was looking forward having a colorful brand, so we presented different color schemes and typography styles for the client until they had something they were happy with.

Design System & Component Library

To ensure OneBank’s app is scalable we created a complete Design System and a Component Library on Figma with responsive components.

It consisted of two libraries: one containing the design foundations and core core elements such as: colour, typography, shadows, spacing and other style elements and a second file for the components that followed the atomic design method, elements worked as a reusable building block, where they could be used on it’s own or as part of a more complex element.


Finally, we added motion to the application, creating major feedback animations such as a success animation when creating an account or reaching a goal, and also for smaller interactions such as for components and page transitions.

Have a project? let’s talk.

Get in touch with me to talk about working together, my portfolio, ideas, commissions and inquiries.